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Monday, November 30, 2009

gypt's Mufti condemns banning minarets in Switzerland

Egypt's Mufti condemns banning minarets in Switzerland 2009-11-30 18:45:22 Print

CAIRO, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's Grand Mufti Sheikh Ali Gomaa condemned Switzerland's decision to ban construction of minarets, Al Akhbar daily reported on Monday.

"We received this initiative in sorrow and it is considered as a humiliation for the Muslim community in and out of Switzerland," Gomaa said.

The Mufti expressed his concerns about the decision which he said would deepen Muslims' feeling of discrimination.

On Sunday, the Swiss television said that projections based on ballot results and exit polls showed Switzerland's voters approved the move to ban the construction of minarets, which were labeled by right-wing parties as symbols of Islamic militancy.

According to the final results of a referendum, 57.5 percent of voters and a majority of cantons backed the initiative, which was championed by right-wing and ultra-conservative groups, but strongly opposed by the government as well as churches and the business community.

Around 400,000 Muslims live in Switzerland, mainly from former Yugoslavia and Turkey.

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