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Friday, October 2, 2009

To raise the sum of one Billion euros

About a thousand pirates do the unspeakable in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea - suggest experts. The route past the Horn of Africa is extremely dangerous for ships.
The pirates come from the war-torn Somalia. Famine, over-exploitation of the Somali waters by foreign vessels, and thus Giftmüllverklappung affiliated Meerestiersterben have to dry up the source of revenue for the Somali fishing. The rise of piracy has grown so dramatically since 2005.
From a number of ships on convoys accompanied by warships to razor wire at the rail - the measures to be taken by the owners to protect, are often not sufficient. The network of pirates has become a professional, her knowledge of the ships and their cargoes are almost no gaps.
The Bremen shipowner Niels Stolberg urges swift action on an international level. Warships alone will not solve the problem, "says Stolberg.
His proposal: a building program under the title of assistance to Somalia. This will enable the Somalis to live again by the traditional fisheries. The international community is needed. Together, 20 to 25 countries to raise the sum of one billion euros, come all, and the long term is always better than investing in further upgrading the protection of ships. The Association of German shipping companies will actively assist the project.
Niels Stolberg
The Federal Republic is to be employed by this plan as an initiator and facilitator. After the initial talks last week, the Bremen entrepreneur is optimistic. According to his ideas soon the UN peacekeepers monitoring the area, including building shipyards in northern Germany, the respective vessels and Somali professionals are specially trained in Europe for this task.

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