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Friday, March 4, 2011

Escape from Hell: What Now for Somali-Americans?

Escape from Hell: What Now for Somali-Americans?
Type: Lecture
Presenter: Ahmed-Samatar
Ahmed Samatar, Ph.D.
The James Wallace Professor of International Studies and Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College
When: Tuesday, March 8, 201112:00 PM
Where: St. Francis Room, Ketchum Library, Biddeford Campus
Description: Ahmed I. Samatar, a magna-cum-laude graduate of the University of Wisconsin (la Crosse) and with masters and  a doctorate degrees from Denver University, is the James Wallace Professor of International Studies and Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College.  One time BBC broadcaster, Professor Samatar has lectured at many universities and colleges worldwide.
Professor Samatar’s expertise is in the areas of global political economy, political and social theory, and African development. He is the author/editor of five books and over three dozen articles, including The State in Africa: Reconsiderations.  He is the founding editor-in-chief of Bildhaan, the first international journal of Somali Studies, as well as editor of twenty six volumes of Macalester International, a publication of liberal arts education and internationalism. 
A Fulbright Fellow, he has been awarded grants by The Ford Foundation, The Mellon Foundation, The United States Institute for Peace, The Henrich Boll Foundation, and the Minneapolis and St. Paul Foundations.  His research in progress is a collaborative volume, Somalis: Africa’s First Democrats? - a study of leadership, governance and the Somali experience.
Admission: Free and open to the public.
Sponsor(s): Department of Political Science Student Club

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