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Monday, August 2, 2010

Somalia's Primitive Tribes, Worst of All Being Secessionist One-Clan-Somaliland

The self explanatory Video above of David Logan on tribal leadership discusses his view of Modern World Tribes and how these are not everlasting tribes, but small groups moving through five stages, one step at a time, from one stage to another. Mr. David basically says, "... 2% is in stage one, this stage is for gangs and’s a constant despairing hostility....while in stage five the highest, life is 2% there as well... this 5th Stage is where the leaders who change the world to the better belong to....a good example of this stage is South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Process…the rest are in between…overall, these tribes are behind the phenomenal change and innovation we witness every day…"

No parallel can be drawn to compare the primitive, destructive, stagnant, and blind Somali tribes to what David Logan characterizes as existing world tribes! David’s tribes are small numbers associated together on the basis of values, principles, noble causes, and aspirations while they possess the ability of gradual graduation to the next stage. On the other hand, the primitive and blind Somali tribes claim kinship association and number in the millions without any possibility of opting out from this murderous large gang group. If we try to assess and evaluate them in order to assign them a stage, they are not any where close to Stage One . Actually, they fall in a negative territory, some where around Stage 5000 below zero.

But, if for the sake of argument, we significantly promote the so called Somali leaders such as, war criminal Ahmed Silaanyo in the north to Stage One, do you think that any work or change can be done? No, they are not leaders but in despairing hostility, and that is the problem! One wonders when the One-Clan-Somaliland secessionists claim that South Africa would give credence to a primitive mentality and recognize the secessionist enclave in North West Somalia! The secessionists ignore two important things:

  1. The caliber of South Africa and how they managed to solve a very serious problem and a bitter history involving different ethnic groups through a Truth and Reconciliation Process. No body thinks that South Africa would believe cheap excuses for secession from the most homogeneous nation on earth - Somalia
  2. How Somalia as a country and government stood by South Africa in the days they needed support, and in this day that Somalia is bleeding, the expectation is South Africa to reciprocate with their expertise in the Truth and Reconciliation Process and help Somalis put their house in order. South Africa will not support the dismemberment of Somalia

The sad part is, the Issak Somali tribe has proved to be the worst of these Primitive Somali Tribes, because they are extremely tribally radicalized and their tribal so called leaders have the ability to scare them, isolate them, and push them commit atrocities without asking questions. That said, it does not mean the Issak clan is all half-sleeping sheep to borrow from Mr. Seth Godin on the tribes we lead. But, the point is that regardless of an average person and /or the educated, elders, and religious leaders they all are more vulnerable to the primitive tribal culture than any tribe in Somalia. Think about the magnitude of disaster when you have a whole society 100% in Stage One and below!!! Remember those in Stage 1 are responsible for all the destruction that happens. Fortunately, in other countries just 2% are in Stage 1 and communities are able to manage them through law enforcement agencies and rehabilitation. Unfortunately, in Somalia everyone is in a stage below Zero, while the so called leaders are at the bottom of the list! Of course, other Somali primitive tribes are not much better and do all kinds of stupid things. Nonetheless, all the other Somali tribes are prepared for reconciliation and unity, which is exactly what matters at the end of the day.
The Somali younger generations, specially the so called Somaliland youth, need to break the status quo and challenge this primitive and useless culture of allegiance to an extended tribe by blood association, where you are required to spill blood for a wrong cause….they need to ask the hard questions that beg convincing answers and to lead a change and innovative life and systems. Young Somalis need to make the right choice either to remain and be stuck in the primitive useless tribes or move up and successfully integrate with the modern world tribes, wherever they happen to be, in Somalia and in the diasporas. We encourage the young Somalis to listen to David Logan and put into practice his concluding remarks…be a leader and something bigger than your tribe…think about the kind of impact you making,,,do not leave your tribes where you find them ,,, bridge them to other tribes, even with the primitive tribes….and ask yourself if your tribe is changing the world to the better….etc

Please watch both videos at or on youtube

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