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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Somalis in Finland often victims of racist attacks

Somalis in Finland often victims of racist attacks

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Violence against Somalis in Finland

To insights that led to Finland to appear in a good light, an EU investigation into the situation of minorities in member states whose results were recently published.

Somalis living in Finland more racist threats, harassment and even violence are exposed than any other minority in Europe.
In the survey of 100 Somalis have been 74 cases of adverse experiences in this regard known.
They lead to the sad statistics clearly against the North Africans in Italy (44 of 100), the Romas in the Czech Republic (42 out of 100) and the Somalis in Denmark (40 of 100).

The numbers would not mean, however, that are directed racist attacks against the entire Somali population in Finland.
Rather, a certain group of citizens of Somali origin was particularly affected, as explained by the competent department of the EU's authority, Jo Goodey.
In the survey, according to him, several respondents indicated that they were affected even more than 10 times within a year.

The large number of cases in Finland could with the age of immigrants - 16-24 year olds in Europe are the most common victims of racist violence - and related to their concentration in certain areas.
The exact causes of Finland, however, must find their own.

Already in the spring of 2009, the EU had published a report which highlighted the fact that Somalia has become one third of the metropolitan area, already a victim of a racist encroachment.

Helsingin Sanomat

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