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Friday, December 11, 2009

ARDAA Press Release: 7/11 Crime Still Awaits Justice.

ARDAA Press Release: 7/11 Crime Still Awaits Justice.

Dec 11,2009.

Adal Resources and Development Assistance Association (ARDAA)

Press Release: 7/11 Crime Still Awaits Justice

Five months have passed since July 11, 2009 when four innocent civilians from Awdal were kidnapped, tortured, murdered and their bodies mutilated. The victims were travelling on the main road between Dilla and Kalabaydh in order to carry out their routine businesses. They included educators, businessmen and engineers who were busy serving their families as well as their nation. Their lives were cut short simply because of tribal lineage and nothing more. This was indeed a cowardly act perpetuated by well known criminals!

The government, Parliament, Gurti, opposition parties, the media and Somaliland civil society are all silent about this heinous crime. The Awdal/Salal communities are even at a loss whether a criminal file pertaining to this case has ever been opened. Silence is a sign of acceptance and it holds true that the position taken by these sectors of the society, the government, and the political parties are surprisingly unconscionable.

Somaliland should know that Awdal/Salal communities, both home and in the Diaspora, as well as the international human rights organizations are extremely frustrated with the inaction of its security apparatus. The international community is also watching closely Somaliland nation, which prides itself as a stable and democratic state that protects the welfare of its citizens.

It appears that clan loyalty has over taken the law of the land and this will certainly have negative consequences on Somaliland's report card by human rights watch groups and other international organizations.

We, at ARDAA are here again and again to remind the Somaliland administration, the parliament, Gurti, opposition parties and the Somaliland general public that the families of the victims are still waiting for justice, for answers and for closure about the loss of their loved ones.

We are extremely saddened by the fact that the murderers are being protected and shielded from justice, in the name of a clan. This is a very dangerous and unprecedented situation in the history of this young nation and must be categorically condemned by the peace-loving people of Somaliland.
In the light of the foregoing situations, Adal Resources and Development Assistance Association (ARDAA) condemn this criminal and dastardly act of killing of 7/11 in unequivocal terms and calls upon:

1- The people of Adal regions to stand united and to demand their rights and the rights of the families of the victims untiringly, and not to rest until the perpetrators of this crime are apprehended and brought to justice,

2- The Somaliland government to discharge its responsibilities under the laws of the land and arrest the criminals and those who collaborated with them without any further delay,

3- The opposition parties to live up to their responsibilities as potential candidates of the country's leadership and collaborate with the government in apprehending the criminals of Dilla-Kalabaydh killings on that fateful day of 7/11.

4- The international humanitarian organization to intervene the situation on behalf of the victims and press the Somaliland government to protect human rights, to uphold the law of the land and to bring the culprits of the 7/11 crime to justice.

ARDAA believes that this deplorable incident will seriously undermine the peace and stability of Somaliland, the only two achievements that Somaliland sells to the international community. The fact that the perpetrators of this dreadful crime are treated as royalty among certain clans and quarters in the Gabiley and Hargeisa areas adds insult to the injury and shatters the hope and aspirations of Somaliland people for recognition of nationhood.

We, at ARDAA once again call upon the Somaliland government institutions, the political parties, traditional leaders, the civil society and the media to rise above the tribal arrogance that promotes internecine fighting and stand for justice, fairness, and equality for all that leads to success and better life for everyone.

Finally, we extend our sincere condolences to the families of Ali Aw Omer Bare, Daud Hashi Jama, Mawlid Hassan Omer and Ali Mohamed Nur (Bagaashle) and assure them that we shall keep this issue alive till justice is done.

For and on behalf of Adal Resources and Development Assistance Association (ARDAA)


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